As a knowledge worker, you are probably used to working from home occasionally. But probably not all days of the week.
Here after a week, you have probably - like us - found out that it requires something of us that we may not be used to to the same extent.
But for many, it also allows for depth and concentration to solve some tasks that can otherwise be difficult to find time and space.
I UNITAS For example, we use the time between customer tasks to optimize and update our services. The next is a version 2 of our inspection report, which in many ways can be equated with an ISAE3000 declaration. But which is distinguished by having a greater focus on the actual technical implementation of safety measures - we have more elements from 'under the bonnet' than from the helicopter, and thus the inspection becomes very concrete and useful. We do not just make a "flyover" - we land and fix it!
UNITAS recommends that you spend time on a variety of GDPR-related tasks. They are even required by law, which is why you already have your reason for getting a time registration code in place and thus a place to park your hours 😉
The tasks for which you can spend quality time are:
- Supervision of data processors
- Ensure that the data processing agreements that your company has entered into are also signed and valid
- Check for any changes in the documented treatment activities and update the documentation
- Review of risk assessments - not least regarding people's remote connections, which are currently exposed
- Follow up on if any. mapped gaps at the latest risk assessment are closed or a plan has been laid down to close them
- Read up on what new requirements and guidelines have come since the data protection regulation came into force on 25 May 2018 - and yes, a lot has happened!
- Get the checks you know should have been done, but haven't just found the time for a busy day
- Train your employees in IT security - if it lags for you and the company, you can look at a provider of simple online training as Cyber Pilot that delivers fast, fully integrated financial training with Azure AD (user integration)
… There is plenty to see, so just get started!
And should you need any advice, guidance or resources for the actual implementation, we will of course hear from you.
Really good work!
Morten Schaumann