Quality assurance of your digital marketing

Unitas ensures your digital marketing complies with legal and technical requirements

Webshops and digital marketing

Webshops and marketing must comply with both the GDPR, the cookie and marketing rules. And there are more regulations on the way from the EU. 

Our assistance covers, among other things, consent, privacy policy, the IT contract with the hosting supplier, assessment of plugins and third-party integrations, use of social media and the legality of your marketing campaigns.

With our checklists, we methodically go through the whole thing, so it's done right. Right down to the wireframe level. This also applies to your delivery terms, regardless of whether you sell to consumers or traders.

If we find discrepancies, we assess them together with you, so that you can make a decision as to whether it is within your risk tolerance.

Finally, we have a practical angle on things, so that you avoid unnecessarily straining your legs for activities that are beneficial to the operation.

Did you know that...?

Digital marketing is constantly exposed to new regulations. For example, do you have control over the following…


Updating standard web platforms often entails new cookies - have you remembered to deal with them?


The rules for consent have been revised several times. At the latest in the Consumer Ombudsman's SPAM guidance from 2021 and related social media in 2024.


Datatilsynet in particular other EU countries pay close attention to whether you comply with the rules and hand out hefty fines.

Contact Unitas – your partner in security and compliance

Unitas provides reliable advice in compliance, IT and information security. With a pragmatic approach, we help companies in regulated industries manage security and operational responsibility effectively. Contact us to discuss how we can help you.

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