Background and purpose

Unitas have, with their expertise, gone in depth with the regulation and 'translated' the law into real implementation, so that you get through the process quickly and efficiently

DORA: Background and purpose

Increased digitization and interconnectedness amplifies the ICT risk. Society as a whole and the financial system in particular therefore become more vulnerable to cyber threats and ICT disruptions. DORA must thus ensure that more is done with the digital resilience of financial entities. At the same time, the digital resilience must be integrated into the units' wider operational framework.

Ultimately, DORA is about trust. The existing high level of interconnectedness among financial entities, financial markets and financial market infrastructures, and in particular the interconnectedness of their ICT systems, may constitute a systemic vulnerability. Localized cyber incidents can quickly spread from one of the approx. 22 000 financial entities in the Union to the entire financial system, unhindered by geographical borders. Serious ICT breaches in the financial sector do not only affect financial entities in isolation. They also pave the way for the spread of localized vulnerabilities across the financial transmission channels and trigger potentially negative consequences for the stability of the EU financial system such as the creation of liquidity outflows and a general loss of confidence and trust in financial markets.

Ved at konsolidere og opgradere de forskellige regler om IKT-risici er alle bestemmelser om digital risiko i den finansielle sektor for første gang samlet på en konsekvent måde i én enkelt lovgivningsmæssig retsakt. Med DORA skal finansielle enheder følge samme tilgang og samme principbaserede regler ved behandling af IKT-risici under hensyntagen til deres størrelse og samlede risikoprofil samt karakteren, omfanget og kompleksiteten af deres tjenester, aktiviteter og operationer.

You can read the entire regulation as well as the delegated and implementing acts by clicking here .


When you have downloaded the checklist, you can see the tasks under DORA in the left column of the checklist. Each article in DORA is thus translated into the concrete tasks that must be solved by your cyber and information security efforts. In the right column, you describe your existing and planned efforts in the area. The result is a long series of ticks that you get to set, but there will probably also be DORA tasks that you cannot solve with either the existing or planned efforts.

In other words, if you use the checklist, you will be able to create a maturity report for the management, so that it becomes visible whether you are on the right track, or whether you need to supplement with new measures to get the final ticks off, depending on your risk appetite.

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Get started with DORA

Management must be able to plan, manage and control the organisation's efforts to comply with DORA. That is why we have turned DORA into a checklist, so that your cyber and information security efforts...


... is optimized in relation to keeping the hackers out


… keeps costs down


... keeps management's personal responsibility at bay.

Take 2 minutes to see and hear Jacob Naur talk briefly about DORA and the checklist in the video below.

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